Saturday 2 March 2013

How To Have A Good Healthy Horse

A healthy horse is essential no matter what you do with it. Whether your horse is left out in a field or a top show jumper make sure that your horse has all the characteristics below.

^^^^ A sick, underweight horse                                                                                                ^^^^ A healthy, fit horse 

-The horse should be standing up and alert. Their behavior should be normal

-When the horse is at rest, he shouldn't be sweating. (except in hot weather)

-The eyes should be bright and wide open. The membranes under the eyelids should be a salmon pink color

-The horse should be eating and chewing normally

-The coat should be sleek, shiny and flat. Not dull.

-The limbs should not be hot or have swellings.

-They should be standing on all four feet. If they are resting on a hind leg it is normal but if they are resting on a front leg concern should be raised.

-The urine and droppings should be passed at a normal rate and color. Hay fed horses will pass light, yellowy / brown dropping. Grass fed horses will pass dark, green droppings.

-The skin should move easily over the horses ribs. the ribs should not be too visible but not covered in excess fat.

-At rest, the horses temperature should be between 37 and 38.5 degrees Celsius

-At rest, the horses respiration rate should be between 10 and 20 inhalations per minute

-At rest, the horses pulse rate should be 36 to 42 heartbeats per minute.


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