Sunday 3 March 2013


There is an old saying that goes 'no shoe, no horse' and it is completely true. Make sure that you are aware of how to care for your horses hooves or you may not have your horse in the near future.

How often does a horse need to be shod?
Most horses need to be shod every four to eight weeks. I depends on how fast their hooves grow, how much work they are doing and if they are kept in a field or stable. Some horses do not need shoes but they still need a visit from the farrier to trim their hooves every four to eight weeks.

Signs that a horse needs shoeing.
-The foot is too long and out of shape
-The shoe has been worn thin
-The shoe is loose or has fallen off
-The clenches (nails) are standing out from the hoof

Even if the hoof is not badly worn. After four to eight weeks the hoof will have grown and need to be trimmed.

When a foot has been newly shod, check that...
-The shoe is made to fit the hoof, not the hoof made to fit the shoe.
-The weight and type of shoe is suitable for the horse
-The frog has been correctly trimmed and touches the ground on soft surfaces.
-No daylight shows between the hoof and shoe. (Especially at the heel)
-The heels of the shoe are not too long but also not too short.


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