Wednesday 20 March 2013

Types of Girths

1) A leather Girth.
These are usually one piece of leather folded over three times to make it comfortable for the horse. There is sometimes elastic or webbing inserted on the inside of the girth.

2) An Atherstone Girth.
The area at the horses elbow is narrower. They are also called a chaffeless girth. It is made from one piece which has been cut into three strands and criss crossed round. They sometimes have elastic at the ends and are also made from leather.

3) A String Girth.
They are made from cotton, nylon, wool or mohair. They dry quickly and have lots of air flow so they are very cool. They don't slip easily and can be washed easily. Be careful that they don't pinch the horse though.

4) A Synthetic Girth.
These girths come in lots of different materials. Sometimes they are lined with sheepskin, gel or a synthetic fleece. They are like leather girths but they are cheaper and easier to maintain and they don't last as long.

5)A Jumping Girth.
Also called a belly guard girth. These have large oval panels covering the belly. These stop the feet hurting the belly if they hit it when jumping. They are the priciest girths.


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