Saturday 2 March 2013

Types Of Nosebands

There are many, many different types of nosebands but today I will just be looking at a few of the more popular ones.

Plain cavesson noseband. Fits comfortably just below the cheek bone. It is the only noseband suitable for a double bridle.

^ Plain Cavesson Noseband ^
Drop noseband. This noseband prevents the horse from opening their mouth. It is hinged using two small rings. It is placed above the nostrils in front of the bit. It is essential the it is fitted correctly so that it does not interfere with the horses breathing pattern.
^ Drop Noseband ^

Flash noseband. This is similar to the cavesson noseband but it has a flash. The flash fits under the bit rings. It is a very popular choice for basic training.
^ Flash Noseband ^

French cavesson noseband. It has similar features to the plain cavesson noseband but is used on a snaffle bridle.
^ French Cavesson Noseband ^

Grackle noseband. Can also be called a crossover of figure-eight. It is made from light weight leather. It is used for horses in fast work. The noseband is buckled above and below the bit. It is usually padded in the middle for extra comfort. They prevent the horse from crossing their jaw.

^ Grackle Noseband ^

Kineton noseband. This noseband helps to control a strong horse. It transfers some of the rein pressure from the mouth to the bridge of the nose. If it is not fitted correctly then it restricts the breathing. It has two metal loops. The horse wears it with a snaffle bit.
^ Kineton Noseband ^

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